NGC 5128  -  Centaurus A

80%  resolution (2.5MB)

80% crop (0.8MB)

Object data of NGC5128

Object type: Galaxy (S0 pec)
Size: 26'x20'
Magnitude: 6.9 mag
Constellation: Cen
Distance: 13 Mio Ly
Notes: Centaurus A or NGC 5128 is a prominent galaxy in the constellation of Centaurus. The center of this galaxy contains a supermassive black hole with a mass equivalent to 55 million solar masses, which ejects a relativistic jet that is responsible for emissions in the X-ray and radio wavelengths. Ionized filaments which are probably related to the radio jets are also visible near the top left corner in the above image. These filaments were actually discovered in 1975 by Victor Blanco.

Exposure data

Date: 2018-05-05 until 2018-06-19
Location: ChileScope / Chile (2,000m)
Telescope: RC 1m f/6.8 (f=6,800mm) 
Camera: FLI PL16803 with Astrodon filters
Binning: L 1x1 / RGB 1x1
Mount: AltAz
Exposure time: L 42x5min / R 18x5min / G 18x5min / B 18x5min
Exposure time total: 8h 00min
Notes: Image acquisition by CEDIC team (Bernhard Hubl, Christoph Kaltseis, Herbert Walter, Wolfgang Leitner)

Image processing by Bernhard Hubl

