NGC 7000  -  North America nebula

50%  resolution (1.5MB)

Object data of NGC7000

Object type: emission nebula
Size: 120' x 30'
Magnitude: 4.0 mag
Constellation: Cyg
Distance: 1600 Ly
Notes: NGC 7000 is an emission nebula in the constellation Cygnus, close to Deneb (the bright blue star near the right border in the above image).

Exposure data

Date: 2013-06-07
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: Canon EF 200mm f/2.8L @ f/4.0
Camera: EOS6D (ISO800)
Mount: Astrotrac TT320X
Exposure time: 74x2min
Exposure time total: 2h 28min

