NGC 7293  -  Helix Nebula

68%  resolution (3.8MB)

Object data of NGC7293

Object type: Planetary nebula
Size: 12.8'
Magnitude: 6.5 mag
Constellation: Aqr
Distance: 700 Ly
Notes: The large apparent diameter of the Helix Nebula is a result of the small distance of 700 light years. The age of NGC7293 is estimated to be 10,000 years.

Exposure data

Date: 2017-07-20
Location: ATHOS Centro Astronomico / La Palma (900m)
Telescope: Baader APO 95/560 CaF2 Travel Companion
Camera: Nikon D810A (ISO800)
Mount: 10micron GM1000 HPS
Exposure time: 21x6min
Exposure time total: 2h 06min
Notes: Image acquisition by CEDIC team (Christoph Kaltseis, Bernhard Hubl, Markus Blauensteiner, Michael Hanl)

Image processing by Christoph Kaltseis

