Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE)   2020-07-09/10

40%  resolution (1.0MB)

Video with comet rising over steel city Linz

Video of image data used for above image (4.5MB)

Object data

Object type: Comet
Size: -
Magnitude: -
Constellation: Aur
Distance: 0.929 AU (139 Mio km)

Exposure data

Date: 2020-07-10   00:44 - 01:17 UT  
Location: Oberschlierbach / Austria (700m)
Telescope: Vixen FL55SS with flattener and reducer (f=237mm)
Camera: Nikon Z6 (ISO 1600)
Mount: Vixen GPDX
Exposure time: 147x10s
Exposure time total: 24.5min
Notes: Data captured through high clouds

