Pegasus Dwarf  -  Wide Field

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Object Identification (500kB)

Image with 12" Newtonian (f=1120mm)

Object data of Pegasus Dwarf

Object type: galaxy (dSph)
Size: 5' x 2.7'
Magnitude: 13.2 mag
Constellation: Peg
Distance: 3 Mio Ly
Notes: The Pegasus Dwarf Galaxy (UGC12613) is an irregular galaxy and a dwarf galaxy in the direction of the constellation Pegasus. The Pegasus Dwarf is a companion of the Andromeda Galaxy.

Exposure data

Date: 2010-11-27 + 12-04 + 12-08 + 12-28 + 12-30 + 2011-01-08
Location: Nussbach / Austria (400m)
Telescope: TeleVue NP101 (4" Apo f=540mm)
Camera: EOS1000D (ISO400)
Mount: WAM 650
Exposure time: 80x6m
Exposure time total: 8h 00m
Notes: bad transparency

